Democracy Development Center
What is our goal?
A democratic, just, prosperous, peaceful Ukraine, in which women and men can fully enjoy their human rights and develop their potential.
What are our objectives?
- Women participate in decision-making at all levels
- Women participate in conflict prevention and resolution and in post-conflict rebuilding
- Women’s needs and interests are included and taken into account in the legislation, national and local strategies, programs, action plans, services
- Decision-makers at all levels understand what women’s rights are and how they have to be considered and protected
- Women’s and youth CSOs have the knowledge, the tools, and expertise to protect women’s rights in different areas
What we do to achieve these objectives?
- Promote equal rights and opportunities for women and men
- Educate people about different tools used to provide equal rights and opportunities for women and men in various areas
- Educate women in different vulnerable groups about feminism, peacebuilding, and media literacy
- Educate people at all levels of decision-making – from the Parliament to local communities and women’s CSOs and initiatives – about the crucial role of women’s rights and women’s participation
- Work with various groups – like local officials, heads of hromadas, public servants, journalists, specialists in different industries to help them implement the measures to account for women’s needs and interests in their areas
- Advocate for women’s participation in decision-making and peacebuilding – including women that face numerous forms of discrimination
- Work to free women and girls from various forms of violence, including prostitution, pornography, and surrogacy
- Educate people about women’s contributions to different spheres of the economy and society
- Help women get proper recognition for their work and achievements in all spheres of the economy and society
- Educate women’s and youth initiatives about risks of online grooming and other dangers of Internet for young people
- Educate women’s and youth initiatives about risks of trafficking in humans and advocate for concrete measures to reduce women’s and youth’s vulnerability to traffickers
When was DDC established?
In 2003
Our activities
Overall, we work in advocacy, policy development, and conducting trainings on the following topics (for different audiences, from local initiative groups to Ministries):
“Debate”, “Domestic Violence Prevention”, “Human Trafficking Prevention”, “Conflict Resolution”, “Leadership and Human Rights”, ‘Women’s Rights’, ‘Gender Equality’, ‘Gender-sensitive services’, ‘Gender-sensitive policies’, ‘Women, Peace, Security’, ‘Youth, Peace, Security’, ‘Advocacy for Women’s Rights’, ‘Feminism’, ‘Local women’s initiatives’, ‘Peacebuilding and women’s involvement in it’, ‘Men’s involvement in promoting Women’s rights’.
Since 2003, our organization has been working on combating trafficking in human beings and violence against women, and following this work, we started fighting against sexual exploitation of women and girls in prostitution and pornography.
Since 2018, we have been working on promoting the Equality Model of state treatment of prostitution (exit programs for women in prostitution, punishment for pimps and punters).
Since 2020, we have been educating people about dangers of surrogacy as a form of reproductive exploitation of women.
Since 2014,
Soon after the beginning of Russia’s war against Ukraine in 2014, we began working on promoting UNSCR 1325 and the Women, Peace, Security agenda and participated in development of the first and the second National Action Plan 1325 as well as of updates of both NAPs and helped train oblast and local level officials and CSOs on localization of the Women, Peace, Security agenda. Within this area, we are also promoting the Youth, Peace, Security agenda and working with young women peacebuilders
Since the beginning the full-scale invasion on February 24, 2022, we expanded our awareness-raising and training work and joined the humanitarian effort on the ground. We started to help create shelters for IDPs, improve living conditions for IDPs to live in, resettled them in private residences, organized the life and education of IDP children, created and conducted psychological counselling, consultations and classes for children and women.
We have been helping organize cooperation between local authorities, hosting communities and internally displaced persons and engaged foreign donor organizations to resolve the most pressing issues.
How big is our team?
7 persons of the core staff
Ella Lamakh, head of board <>
Maria Dmytriyeva, director of programs <>
Yulia Voronina , accountant <>
Vlad Mardanenko, logistics manager <>
Anastasia Ostapchuk, program specialist <>
Anna Hyrych, program specialist <>
Eugenia Semeniuk, communications officer <>
Plus a network of specialists and volunteers in all oblasts that are engaged when necessary within specific projects.
Our website is
Our twitter
Our Facebook
Our Youtube channel
Who are our international partners?
Currently, our key international partner is Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP), with whom we have been cooperating since 2017, specifically on WPS and YPS agenda in Ukraine.
DDC’s experts have been conducting trainings for UN Women Ukraine, and a range of the institutions in the Ukrainian defense sector.
The French feminist NGO ‘Women In War’ based in Paris is another one. Together with them, we organized an international scientific conference ‘Women in Wars, Revolutions, and Peacebuilding’ in 2016.
Funds received by NGO «Development of Democracy Center» | ||
Project number / name of the project | Аmount | |
2022 | ||
Compassion Is Life | Support for children in Donetska, Kirovohradska, Lvivska and Chernivetska oblasts | 5 850 USD |
Isabel Allende Foundation | Support for families in difficult life circumstances due to the war in Donetska, Mykolayivska and Lvivska oblasts | 7 500 USD |
RAZOM | Support to Ukrainian people who suffered from the full-scale invasion of the army of the Russian Federation into Ukraine | 16 700 USD |
GNWP | Support to Women Victims and Survivors of Sexual Violence and other War Crimes | 35510 USD |
CARE | Assistance during the war to IDPs and their host families | 22 280 EURO |
Ukrainian Women’s Fund | Needs of women and children during the war | 23 600 UAH |
Lauren Schmidt (personal and friends’ donations) | Assistance to families affected by the war | 12 147,21 USD |
Mary Jain Marcus (personal donations) | Assistance to families affected by the war | 10 000 USD |
CFLI Canada Embassy in Ukraine | Assistance during the war to IDPs and their host families | 1 133 180 UAH |
2021 | ||
CFLI | “WPS / SDG / CEDAW Synergy in Local Strategies and Action Plans as Tool for Sustaining Peace” | 89 170.75 CAD |
Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP) | “Women and youth defend human rights and build peaceful and resilient communities – Strengthening the synergies between Women and Peace and Security, Youth and Peace and Security, gender-sensitive crisis response, and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW)” | 27 075 USD |
2020 | ||
UNDP | “Civil Society for Enhanced Democracy and Human Rights in Ukraine” | 3 321 USD |
2019 | ||
Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP) | Local communities build and sustain peace: strengthening women and youth participation in building sustainable peace in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kenya, Moldova, South Sudan, Uganda, and Ukraine | 69 658 USD |
PACT | Women of Ukraine: Heard, Capable, Resilient | 74 121 USD |
Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP) | Synergies between the Security Council Resolutions on Women, Peace and Security and CEDAW | 10 530 USD |
Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP) | Amplifying women’s voices, enhancing local and national partnerships: Strengthening the implementation of WPS resolutions in Colombia, DRC, Iraq, Nigeria and Ukraine | 31 771 USD |
Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP) | Sustaining Peace Consultation Workshop on February 20th, 2019 in Kyiv, Ukraine. | 4 850 USD |
2018 | ||
Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP) | Study on civil society perceptions of Sustaining Peace | 4 500 USD |
2017 | ||
UNDP | Strengthening the Role of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Promoting Democratic Reforms, taking into account CEDAW’s Concluding Remarks “ | 388 000 UAH |
Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP) | Local, National and Regional Strategies to Improve the Implementation of UNSCR 1325 in Armenia, Azerbaijan1, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine | 58 784,42 USD |
UN-Women Women in War | The Conference “GENDER, WARS, AND REVOLUTIONS” | |
2016 | ||
UWF | Information campaign for young girls about HIV/AIDS | 200 000 UAH |
MATRA European Partnership Program | Making a strategic policy agenda for decision makers in the process of decentralization (The case of Kirovohradska Oblast) | 3 300 000 UAH |
2015 | ||
Institute Affari Internazionali (IAI) of Rome and NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme | International Conference on “The military conflict in Ukraine and UN Security Council Resolution 1325 and related Resolutions” | 4 000 EURO |
ISAR Ednanya | TOT for Organization Development | 90 000 UAH |
MATRA European Partnership Program | Culture of governmental official in democratic society (Liquid Democracy for Public servants) | 1 160 000 UAH |
2014 | ||
US- Cultural Affairs US Embassy | Improvement of the level of knowledge of governmental officials that undergo training, and that of the professors of the NAPA. | 6 151 UAH |
Ukrainian Women’s Fund | Social Services for women and girls | 100 000 UAH |
USAID | RESPOND/METIDA Project Assessment for USAID | 22 300 USD |
MATRA European Partnership Program | Culture of governmental official in democratic society | 1 160 000 UAH |
2013 | ||
US- Cultural Affairs US Embassy | Improvement of the level of knowledge of governmental officials that undergo training, and that of the professors of the NAPA. | 19 834 UAH |
2004 | ||
UNICEF | Consultations with children who are at risk for HIV / AIDS | 67 154,00 UAH |
UNICEF | The dialogue in the community about the elimination of iodine deficiency disorders in Ukraine | 42 516,00 UAH |
UNICEF | SocialmobilizationofcivilsocietytosupporttheadoptionandimplementationofiodizedsaltinUkraine. | 53 540,00 UAH |
International RenaissanceFoundation | № 2401701 | 23 709,00 UAH |
ECPAT | Combating the Worst Forms of Child Labour | 986,00 USD |
2005 | ||
UNICEF | NGO/2005/029 | 41 615, 00 UAH |
UNICEF | Conduct of support NGOs working for children, public information campaign to combat violence against children. | 21600,00 UAH |
UNICEF | Coalition to support law on universal salt iodization in Ukraine | 68 497,00 UAH |
ILO-IPEC | P340.04.400.050/013/90438/ P340.04.400.001/061/90439 | 67 904,00 UAH |
2006 | ||
NATO Public Information Programs | 384/ International conference “Gender aspect of national security and defence” | 11 380,00 Euro |
OSCE | 320.24630.32061110.XXX /AssistinginDevelopingandinstitutingRuleoflawcourseattheLawFacultiesofUkrainianUniverities | 26 740,00 UAH |
UNICEF | Reviewoftheregulatoryframeworkandaddresscasesofviolenceagainstchildrenandviolence. | 98 169,00 UAH |
UNICEF | PublichearingsontheNationalActionPlanandlocalprogramsinvolvingchildrenandthepublicatnationalandlocallevels. | 36563,00 UAH |
ILO-IPEC | P340.04.400.050/013/90438/ P340.04.400.001/061/90439 | 139 980,00 UAH |
2007 | ||
ILO-IPEC | P340.04.400.050/013/90438/ P340.04.400.001/061/90439 | 169 078,00 UAH |
Head of the organization,
Ella Lamakh